Date |
Release Version |
01/04/2024 |
Ver. 13.18.10 |
- Added functionality as follows:
- kEdsPropID_RegisterFocusEdge
- kEdsPropID_DriveFocusToEdge
- kEdsPropID_FocusPosition
- Added EOS R7 / EOS R10 for Models with confirmed operation
05/02/2024 |
Ver 13.18.0 |
- Added support for macOS v14
- Stopped support for macOS v11
- Added functionality as follows:
- kEdsPropID_AFTrackingObject
- kEdsPropID_ContinuousAfMode
- EdsSetMetaImage
Ver 13.17.12 |
- Minor bug fixes and Improvements.
17/10/2023 |
Ver 13.17.11 |
- Added EOS R50 for Models with confirmed operation
- kEdsPropID_FocusShiftSetting
- kEdsPropID_MovieHFRSetting
- kEdsCameraCommand_SetModeDialDisable
23/08/2023 |
Ver 13.17.10 |
- Released a Linux version. (ARMv8 32bit/64bit)
- Added support for the PowerShot V10
- Added functionality as follows:
- kEdsPropID_AfLockState
- kEdsPropID_ColorFilter
- kEdsPropID_BrightnessSetting
- kEdsPropID_DigitalZoomSetting
- kEdsPropID_ShutterType
- Added EOS R6 Mark II / EOS R8 for Models with confirmed operation
- kEdsPropID_FocusShiftSetting
- kEdsPropID_MovieHFRSetting
- kEdsCameraCommand_SetModeDialDisable
25/05/2023 |
Ver 13.17.0 |
- Added support for the EOS R100
- Fixed property "kEdsPropID_FocusShiftSetting"
- Add the following values to Value: "FocusStackingFunction", "FocusStackingTrimming"
10/03/2023 |
Ver 13.16.20 |
- Added support for the PowerShot Zoom
- Stopping support OS: Windows 8.1
14/12/2022 |
Ver 13.16.01 |
- Added EOS R7 / EOS R10 for Models with confirmed operation:
- EdsPropID_FocusShiftSetting
- kEdsPropID_MovieHFRSetting
- kEdsCameraCommand_RequestSensorCleaning
- kEdsCameraCommand_SetModeDialDisable
09/11/2022 |
Ver 13.16.0 |
- Added support for the EOS R6 Mark II
- Added functionality as follows: kEdsPropID_Evf_ViewType
- Added Multiple camera connection samples for the following programming languages: VC
21/07/2022 |
Ver 13.15.20 |
- Added functionality as follows:
- kEdsCameraCommand_SetModeDialDisable
- kEdsPropID_AFEyeDetect
- kEdsPropID_MovieServoAf
- Fixed functionality as follows:
- kEdsPropID_AFMode (Target object)
06/04/2022 |
Ver 13.15.10 |
- Added support for the EOS R7 / EOS R10
01/27/2022 |
Ver 13.14.40 |
- Added functionality as follows:
- kEdsPropID_FocusShiftSetting
- kEdsPropID_MovieHFRSetting
- kEdsCameraCommand_RequestSensorCleaning
02/12/2021 |
Ver 13.14.30 |
- Added support for the EOS R3
- Added functionality as follows:
- kEdsPropID_StillMovieDivideSetting
- kEdsPropID_CardExtension
- kEdsPropID_MovieCardExtension
- kEdsPropID_StillCurrentMedia
- kEdsPropID_MovieCurrentMedia
- Added Error messages
- 3.2.13 TakePicture Errors
14/10/2021 |
Ver 13.13.41 |
- Fixed issues as follows:
- Unable to Build for Windows (64 bit) Architecture Using EDSDK.lib.
16/09/2021 |
Ver 13.13.40 |
- Added value to the definition as follows:
01/06/2021 |
Ver 13.13.30 |
- EDSDK API Programming Reference
- Updated the description of the API for power zoom control.
- EDSDKTypes.h
- Added EdsObjectFormat definition.
31/03/2021 |
Ver 13.13.20 |
- Added functionality as follows:
- EdsSetFramePoint
- kEdsPropID_Aspect
- kEdsPropID_Evf_VisibleRect
- Added support for macOS v11
- Stopping support OS
- Changed the following interfaces. Modification of program code is necessar.
- kEdsPropID_Evf_OutputDevice: Added Value "0x08 : kEdsEvfOutputDevice_PC_Small"
08/09/2020 |
Ver 13.13.0 |
- Added support for the EOS Kiss M2 / EOS M50 Mark II
- Added functionality as follows:
30/06/2020 |
Ver 13.12.31 |
- Added support for the EOS R6 / EOS R5
- Added functionality as follows:
- Changed the following interfaces. Modification of program code is necessar.
- EdsFocusInfo: The number of "focusPoint" has been changed from "600" to "1053"
14/02/2020 |
Ver 13.12.10 |
- Added support for the EOS Kiss X10i / EOS Rebel T8i / EOS 850D / EOS Ra
- Stopping support OS
09/01/2020 |
Ver 13.12.1 |
- Added support for the EOS-1D X Mark III
- Added support for Mac OSX 10.15
08/11/2019 |
Ver 13.11.10 |
- Added functionality as follows:
- UTC date time
- Evf Click White Balance
- Mirror Lockup Control
- Switching still image and movie mode
- Movie recording image quality
- Temperature Warning Information
- Get Angle Information
23/08/2019 |
Ver 13.11.0 |
- Added support for the EOS M200
24/07/2019 |
Ver 13.10.30 |
- Added support for the EOS M6 Mark II / EOS 90D
- Change the sample language version as follows:
16/05/2019 |
Ver 13.10.21 |
- Added support for the PowerShot G7X Mark III / PowerShot G5X Mark II
12/03/2019 |
Ver 13.10.20 |
- Added support for the EOS Kiss X10 / EOS Rebel SL3 / EOS 250D / EOS 200D II
- Added Power Zoom Adapter Control functionality
22/02/2019 |
Ver 13.10.0 |
- Added support for the EOS RP
13/12/2018 |
Ver 13.9.10 |
- Deleted RAW development functionality
- Added samples for the following programming languages