To Users of PowerShot G7X Mark III Digital Compact Camera - Canon South & Southeast Asia

10 Sep 2019

To Users of PowerShot G7X Mark III Digital Compact Camera

Thank you for using Canon products.

We have confirmed the phenomenon below on some PowerShot G7X Mark III digital compact cameras.

The following describes how to deal with this problem.

We would like to offer our sincere apologies to users who have been inconvenienced by the phenomenon described below.

During use of the camera in movie mode, a temperature warning ("Overheated! Shutting down.") may be displayed even when the camera’s temperature is normal. While this temperature warning is displayed, movies cannot be captured.

Affected Product​​​​​​​:
​​​​​​​PowerShot G7X Mark III

​​​​​​​If this phenomenon occurs, please try following the steps below.

  1. Turn the camera’s power on.
  2. Set the Date/Time/Time Zone.
  3. Turn the camera’s power off.
  4. Leave the camera with the power off for at least 90 minutes. 
    ​​​​​​​*The Date/Time/Time Zone need to be set in order for the camera’s temperature management to be performed normally.​​​​​​​

Once you have performed the steps above, any subsequent display of the temperature warning will be according to normal temperature management. Should "Overheated! Shutting down." be displayed during subsequent use of the camera, please turn off the camera’s power, and wait until the camera’s temperature cools down.

Contact Information​​​​​​​:
​​​​​​​Please contact your nearest service centre if you have any queries.

​​​​​​​First posted on 10 Sep 2019

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